Red Barn Youth Center

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In 2004, at a backyard barbecue, a conversation by parents of middle schoolers about the lack of teen activities on Key Peninsula sparked an idea that local community members would spend the next few years turning into a reality. The idea was to build a center where youth felt cared for and comfortable, a place where working parents could have peace of mind knowing their child was being responsibly supervised while being given enrichment opportunities to develop their interests and get help with schoolwork. After a decade of fundraising, logistical planning, and finding the perfect location, the Red Barn Youth Center opened its doors.

Red Barn Youth Center is a welcoming place for youth grades 6th through 12th to hang out, have fun, find guidance, develop positive relationships, and become community minded citizens. The no-fee after-school social venue is accessible by school bus and has open hours during the school year and summer. At the center kids can receive homework help, get encouragement and guidance from caring adults, play sports and games, dive into artistic opportunities, and get involved in community service projects.

Executive Director Kellie Bennett has a background in English, History, and Museology. Her passion for helping youth led her to volunteer and work in various educational and youth mentoring positions over the years. She leads the Red Barn Youth Center staff and volunteers in intentionally creating an environment where each child knows that they are valuable, important, and unique. Under Kellie’s leadership, Red Barn Youth Center partners with local organizations to share resources such as food, clothing, school supplies, transportation, and volunteer opportunities. Besides being a free activity center for youth and a community support for families, they also create opportunities for youth and staff to volunteer with the local parks department.

Learn more about Red Barn Youth Center here!

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